Noel was born in 2010, which means he is currently fourteen years old. He lives in Belo, which is in the Boyo region of Cameroon, with his aunt. Noel’s mother died when he was 5, and he never met his father. When Noel’s mother died, he moved in with his uncle. But during the crisis, Noel’s uncle fled, leaving his wife with 5 children to look after, including Noel. Recently, Noel’s aunt became unwell, and her heath has been deteriorating since, which is making working difficult to pay for the children's’ school fees and other needs.
Noel desperately needs a sponsor to help him return to school with his fees fully paid to allow him the opportunity to complete his education on time. Noel’s favourite subject is English. He loves eating rice and his favourite colour is red.
Noel dreams of finding a sponsor so that he can complete his education and eventually qualify as an engineer.
Sponsorship will allow Noel to continue his schooling this year, with all the stationery, exercise books, textbooks and uniform that he needs. In the meantime, your help will provide Noel and his aunt with nutritious food and access to healthcare if they are unwell. Your sponsorship will also provide much needed basics for Noel such as new clothes and books.
If you sponsor Noel, you will receive monthly reports. These reports will include photos of Noel, and inform you of what Noel has been doing and how your sponsorship money is being spent.
We have three levels of sponsorship, starting at £20 per month. Your help will change life and the future for Noel and his family.
For more information about Children of Cameroon’s sponsorship programme, please click here.